U Thant Zin Oo, President, National League for Democracy(Liberated Area-Japan Branch)
Ms.Mizuho Fukushima, State Minster in Charge of Consumer Affairs and Declining Birthrate, Chairman of Social Democratic Party (planning)
Mr.Tetsuro Fukuyama, State Secretary for Foreign Affairs ,Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Mr.Hiroyuki Nagumo, General Secretary of JTUC-RENGO
Mr.Yoshinori Suematsu, Chairman of Japanese Diet members' in support of democracy in Myanmar(Burma), Member of House of Councilors, Democratic Party of Japan
Mr.Azuma Konno, General Secretary of Japanese Diet members' in support of democracy in Myanmar(Burma), Member of House of Councilors, Democratic Party of Japan
Kei Nemoto, Professor,Faculty of Foreign Studies, Sophia University.
Khun Myint Tu,Labor Minister, National Coalition Goverment of the Union of Burma
Dr.Rachada Dhanadirek, Representative of ASEAN Inter-Parliamentary Myanmar Caucus
Ms.Kane Doi, Director Human Rights Watch- Japan
Ms.Yuki Akimoto, Director Burmainfo
Mr.Jason Roshan ,Executive Director of ASEAN Inter-Parlimentary Myanmar Caucus