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Appeal Letter to President of India
All Burma Monks Alliance and Independent Sangha Union
Shrimati Pratibha Devisingh Patil
Her Excellency President
Republic of India
Yours Excellency,
We are Burmese Buddhist Monks (Bhikkhu) taking shelter in India since our peaceful procession for peace and prosperity in the country and the world known as Shwe-Wa-Yong (Saffron) movement, had been brutally cracked-down by your visiting guest from Burma (Myanmar) named Sr-General Than Shwe chairman of State Peace and Development Council, SPDC.
First of all, we would like to express our gratitude to your Republic and people of India for given shelter us and relentless support for people aspiration for democracy in our country. We too pray in Buddha’s Metta for your goodness and peace and prosperity of India.
Yours Excellency
We are deeply anguish and disturb by your government’s given roll-out red carpet to Sr-General Than Shwe who is main culprit of waging war against its own people and killing several thousands of innocent people including Buddhist Monks and Nuns. When we organized peaceful processions across the nation by chanting Buddha Mantra for peace and prosperity in the country and world in September 2007. He ordered to crack down on our peaceful processions and kill the monks and Nuns. United Nations reported over three hundreds had been killed. His henchmen attack and launched raid on most monasteries across the country with full military operation after the crack down.
Than Shwe and his henchmen have continues their onslaughts on monks. They have tighten restrict on the movement of monks and their religious occasion. The junta issued an order to not allow any religious occasion without their permission. Very recently they order to remove monasteries situated at foothill of famous Shwe-Da-Gon pagoda. It is revenge on monks from these monasteries as they played principle role in Sangha’s Saffron movement in 2007.
Moreover, his ruling SPDC had perpetuating basic right of Burmese people and killing, detention, rape, torture, forced labour or forced relocation are common in the country. Presently over two thousands of political prisoners were detained in jails across the country including Jawahar Nehru Award recipient Madam Aung San Suu Kyi and several hundreds of Buddhist Monks and Nuns.
We are deeply hurt by seeing Sr-General Than Shwe enter into the compound of Budhgaya temple, sacred place of Lord Buddha to attained enlightenment, for not religious purpose as devotee but for practicing black magic ( Yatra) to retain power or clean-up his hands stained with monk blood to goodness for him. In fact, we Burmese Buddhist Monks Societies (Sangha) declared Pattanikujjana Order laid down by the Lord Buddha ( upside down the bowl, not association with) against Than Shwe and his crony.
Yours Excellency,
We would like to tender our strong protest over the visit of monk killer Sr-General Than Shwe and allow him to enter Budhgaya Temple and practicing unholy black magic at sacred place. We view it was deep insult on religion of Lord Buddha and devoted Burmese Buddhists. And it will become black mole on long term interest of bilateral relationship of two nations and two societies as it hurt on our heart is un-healable.
We would like to note yours excellency that junta’s planned election under un-democractic constitution 2008 is sham and fraud. And its result cannot represent the will of people who were under constant threat and recognition or approval of its result is un-ethical.
Yours Excellency
Finally, we also would like to note that our displeasure over so-called constructed engagement policy toward Burma (Myanmar) which we observed only one side with ruling junta, but not the people led by Aung San Suu Kyi. In reality which reinforced junta’s brutal suppression on its innocent people. Even Madam Aung San Suu Kyi spent 14 years in detention in last 20 years and still under detention. Therefore we would like to draw your attention on plight of Burmese people and request yours Excellency to use your good office to achieve aspiration of Burmese people for democracy.
Sabbe Satta Sukhita Hontu.
Yours in the Dhamma,
Ven. U Pyinya Zawta
Ven. U Pannasiri
New Delhi, India-110018.